Master the Art of Buying a Fixer-Upper in Oakville with The Jensen Team

Considering a fixer-upper for your next home in Oakville, Burlington or surrounding areas? Pause and prepare with The Jensen Team. The process of transforming a fixer-upper into a dream home is often romanticized, but we're here to provide a reality check.

A fixer-upper can indeed be a budget-friendly way to own a home, but it comes with its set of challenges. Let us walk you through some crucial factors to consider before diving in:

Permits - Extensive renovations often require building permits from the city. We strongly advise investigating this aspect first as permits could add time and costs to your project.

Existing Mortgages or Liens - If your plan involves a complete teardown to build a new home, be aware that the property must be free of mortgages and liens.

DIY vs Contractors - Assess which tasks you can handle yourself and which ones need professional intervention. Pricing out both scenarios will give you a realistic view of potential costs.

Time and Chaos - Be prepared for a period of disruption. And remember, renovation timelines often exceed initial estimates, so factor in a few extra weeks!

At The Jensen Team, we are committed to helping prospective homebuyers determine if a fixer-upper aligns with their current personal and financial situation. We dispel myths, present facts, and provide a practical financial formula to estimate potential profits or savings.

Ready to explore the world of fixer-uppers? Contact us via the form on this page or give us a call or text at 647-424-3576. Let The Jensen Team be your trusted guide on this exciting real estate adventure.